Circle of Friends
Why Join Our Circle?
The Tamburitzans’ Circle of Friends is a passionate and determined group of monthly donors on a mission to continue to spread the fun and joy of The Tamburitzans show and student experience. People like you, giving what they can to support our youth as they bridge cultures through music and dance. Take a look at our current Circle Members here!
You Belong Here
This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and engaging people - like you - from around the world. They’re culture and arts lovers and impact makers. And you’re going to fit right in.
Become a Member Today!
Joining our Circle of Friends is easy, affordable and convenient for everyone. Check out our flexible Membership Levels and benefits!
Don't Forget Employer Matching Contributions
You can easily increase your contribution levels through employer matching programs. All matching employer contributions count towards your level of giving.
For example, if you give at the Musician in the Making level ($300 annually) and your employer matches your $300 contribution, you'd move up to the Director’s Circle level of giving, with all of its benefits!