About Us

Marianna Hurrell

Board Member

Marianna Hurrell has been associated with the Tamburitzans for many years, first as a performer, and more
recently as a board member, choreographer, writer, and Audition Committee judge. She holds a Bachelor’s
Degree from Duquesne University in Communications and a Master of Liberal Arts in Literature and Art
History from Chatham University. She is a former member of Actors Equity, AFTRA, and the Screen Actor’s
Guild. Her experience as a dancer and performer, on stage and in film, have prepared her for a career in the
Arts, both as a writer for non-profit organizations and as a teacher of both Language Arts/Writing, and
musical theatre. She has served as a judge for the Gene Kelly Awards and has collaborated with the
Pittsburgh Children’s Festival Chorus as a writer. Marianna has been a member of fundraising committees
for many organizations including: The Summit Junior Fortnightly, Liberty Science Center, and the Overlook
Hospital Auxiliary. She currently teaches music and musical theatre at St. Patrick School in Chatham, New